The Fast Shadow of Light
The Fast Shadow of Light was our culminating project this summer, a spontaneous exhibition of new print work that captured the initial intent of our pop up project: inviting artists we love to reconsider the print medium, not only as an end in itself but as a means to reevaluate their broader practice.
Both Angela and Steven pulled prints at our Block Party earlier this Spring. Throughout the summer we found ourselves returning to their blocks as objects of contemplation in and of themselves.
Angela Rosensweig, a painter whose canvases abstract seemingly banal street views, had created a block that pointed to the late paintings of Fairfield Porter.
Trained printmaker-turned-watercolorist Steven Norton created a block which harkened back the Arts and Crafts period and the poster and design work of the era.
Both had created work, which printed in black and white, suggests a light emanating from within, as if looking at stained glass windows.
Each would eventually go on to challenge the traditional values of the medium, consistency and multiplicity, by focusing instead on variation or degradation.